Growing a resilient faith.
Hey students! Life can be challenging. Faith can be confusing. But we are called to be resilient - ready to face the joys and challenges of life with honesty and courage. We believe that in the midst of the craziness of growing up, doing school, and making friends, God is with you and loves you.
At Newsong LA, we want to come alongside you in your journey of discovering who you are, who God is, and how faith is both life giving and relevant to our world today. We are building a ministry where middle and high school students have a place to have fun, to belong, and to encounter Jesus. Come and join us!
At Newsong LA, we want to come alongside you in your journey of discovering who you are, who God is, and how faith is both life giving and relevant to our world today. We are building a ministry where middle and high school students have a place to have fun, to belong, and to encounter Jesus. Come and join us!
Our team.

Our NLA Youth team is committed to the thriving and wellbeing of our students. We look out for the safety of our students while building fun relationships that open up doors for meaningful conversations about life and faith.
What, when and where.
NLA Youth Night
Fridays Nights from 7:00pm-8:30pm
At Newsong LA
At Newsong LA
For our regular weekly gathering, we meet at the church for a time of fun and growth. Middle and High School students gather together for some portions of our NLA Youth Nights. For sharing or discussions, these groups meet separately.
Youth Night Out
Locations and times vary.
Once a month, we take our students on an outing to a local spot to hang out, relax, and connect. (Check with leaders for exact nights and locations).
What does the typical NLA Youth Night look like?
On most NLA Youth nights, we begin with a time to hang out, eat snacks, play games, and chat. When the time is right, we gather up in small groups (high school and middle school groups) for an activity and a time to check-in with each other. After small group time, we gather as a whole youth group for a brief lesson. We end the night with unstructured time to hang and play.
What COVID-19 safety protocols are in place?
At Newsong LA, we follow the guidelines for safety as provided by local and state officials. Well-fitting face masks are highly recommended for all individuals over the age of 2. While vaccines are not required, we recommend that all people follow recommendations of our public health officials.
Have questions about NLA Youth?
We would love to hear from you! Feel free to leave us a note.