My name is Dan Huang and I am the lead pastor at Newsong LA. On behalf of our whole community, we are so glad that you have taken some time to explore Newsong LA. Whether we are a part of your journey or not, our desire is that you would find a place where you are supported in life, challenged in faith, and invited into God's mission. There are a number of ways you can can connect with us. We hope to see and hear from you soon!

How to Connect @ Newsong LA
Step 1: Visit
Come join us, in-person if you are able, on Sunday morning at 10:00am for our weekly Sunday Celebration. Stick around afterward for our 10 Minute After Party - a time for new folks to connect and get connected.

Step 2: Dinner
On the second Sunday of every month, new folks are invited to come have dinner at Pastor Dan's home. This is a great chance to connect and to dig a little deeper into what Newsong LA is all about. Dinner is provided by members of the church and RSVPs are required no later than 3 days prior to the event.

Step 3: Groups
Groups at Newsong LA are the best ways to build relationships, find belonging, and participate in mission. There are many options for you. Check out our groups and find a group that is right for you.